". Newt's Store: March 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

Your Kids are the most important part of your life!

In this time of crisis and social distancing, our world has changed, again. During 9-1-1 it was the chance of another attack on our nation and people. A physical chance. In this time of war, it is again. War against a physical chance of contracting a deadly virus that could be fatal. And with it we must take stock of our children. A future for them is not possible without our help and support. the importance of our children can't be over stated or underestimated. And in this time of an abundance of caution, schools are closed. And schools are very important for the welfare and health of our children's minds. We can't emphasize the importance of keeping our children learning and thriving. And to do that we must do what we have to do. Even if it means teaching them at home. And to do that you can go to many sites on the web for the materials to do it. This is only one such site. But it is one of the best.

Social distancing does not have to mean stop learning or growing. Do something with your children to help them through this time we live in. And be safe.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Everyone needs a good laugh. Especially now! Hoarders beware!

Everyone could use a good laugh, especially in the wake of the epidemic. The US is going through a terrible time, lives lost and families uprooted. And I would never make lite of the situation. But I would make lite of individuals who show their true selves. And a smile goes a long way to improving your attitude. Show all the hoarders what really matters.

And we can never forget anything for the kids.